SRM - Suara Rakyat, Malaysia
SRM stands for Suara Rakyat, Malaysia
Here you will find, what does SRM stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Suara Rakyat, Malaysia? Suara Rakyat, Malaysia can be abbreviated as SRM What does SRM stand for? SRM stands for Suara Rakyat, Malaysia. What does Suara Rakyat, Malaysia mean?Suara Rakyat, Malaysia is an expansion of SRM
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Alternative definitions of SRM
- Standard Reference Method
- Storage Resource Management
- Standard Reference Material
- Standard Reference Material
- Society for Range Management
- Solid Rocket Motor
- Scalable Reliable Multicast
- Short Range Missile
View 99 other definitions of SRM on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- SS Subulus Salam
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- SEDFI Surigao Economic Development Foundation Inc.
- SSFTC Swisscontact - Swiss Foundation for Technical Cooperation
- SANCB SA National Council for the Blind
- SAWAC Sanctuary for Abused Women and Children
- SNW Sangoco North West